Archive for February, 2014



Masks, masks, masks–a wonderful thing. I think they are very decorative, but also useful to us. People wear masks for many reasons. For one, masks an disguise us. I know you might be thinking, why would we want to hide ourselves? Let me tell you that there are many reasons to hide ourselves. Detectives and […]



“Yes, I get my own iPAD!” I hear that a lot, but don’t be fooled. Yes, iPADS can be a wonderful thing, but they can also be distracting and get you in trouble. For one, while you’re in class, sometimes it’s hard for some students to resist playing, texting or doing anything on that piece […]

The Beach is Perfect


Imagination of being in a perfect place can only take you so far. If you actually want to be there you should visit it. What is it? you ask. It’s the beach. The beach is wonderful. The beach is a very serene place that will ease your stress. Just think of a place where all […]

The Only Pet I Ever Had


I once had a pet that sadly didn’t last very long. Her apple red skin shimmered in the water. No one could pick her out in a crows since she was as puny as a key chain. Her gills would help her breathe through the voluminous water that surrounded her. She wouldn’t do much, but […]

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