Seventh Grade


Seventh grade–where do I even begin?

For one, let me just say it was like a roller coaster. It had its ups, downs, and sometimes crazy loops! The good thing about it was that it went by super fast. It was like a gush of air, but now it’s almost over. I liked my classes a lot–with the exception of math. I have to say that I learned a lot more then I had ever imagined this year. My favorite part of my academic experience was learning a new language! I feel like I have come so far in Spanish, I can actually have a basic conversation with someone! In my athletics life I got to be on the basketball team. Let me just say that it was tiring, hard, and hectic–but it all paid off. I got to play a sport I really loved with my friends.

In addition to all the good things there were some bad things too. When I first arrived, I thought it would be just like sixth grade. That didn’t really happen though…… it was worse. I have to say sixth grade was way better on a huge scale. It shocked me how much both of the grades differed. My seventh grade classes weren’t as fun as sixth grade.There was more work. There was more tests. There was more studying. My life was drowning in homework. I thought it would never end. Every night after I finished all my homework I would feel so proud, but I quickly remembered that the next day wasn’t going to be any easier.

All in all seventh grade will always be with me. It might not of been my favorite year, but it did help me grow up. I learned so many things from how to solve equations to time management. My book is not yet finished, but a chapter in it is almost finished. As I continue on into the book I will make so many more memories, but the ones in this chapter will always be there for me to look back on.

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