Week 3: Favorite Quote


“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”-Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a genius, some might say. He was a theoretical physicist who is best known for his mass-energy equivalence formula. He also received a noble price in physics. If Einstein didn’t make any mistakes, then he wouldn’t have anything to learn from. Therefore he probably wouldn’t have invented all the cool things he did.

This quote means a lot to me, and I always use it when I mess up. How many times have I made a mistake? Only about a million times! Every time I mess up I feel like I’m super bad. Not even bad– more like a failure. My self esteem hits a ditch, and I feel like there’s no way of escaping. Don’t worry though because there is a way to escape that horrible feeling. It’s by always remembering that nobody’s perfect, and that we all make mistakes. In fact I feel like there’s no point in living if I didn’t make mistakes. You make them. You learn from them. You become a better person by them. Without mistakes the world would be a boring place. It would be simple and everything would be predictable.

Next time you make a mistake, don’t feel bad. Especially if it wasn’t intentional. Instead pick yourself back up and keep this quote in your mind.

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